Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's lookin quite nice out

Hi guys! It's Lanie. It's been looking real nice outside! I really want to go swimming sometime soon, but I don't know if Lexii wants me to....

Anyways, I hope you're all enjoying the last of your summer, and if you're in school, I hope you're doing well! Hehehe, I don't have to go to school. Cause I'm a doll ;)


Friday, August 12, 2011

walking coconut

Hi, it's Gwen here! I just got back from walking Coconut. She is originally Jordin's dog, but two days ago Jordin was doing a hair flip on her bike and lost her balance, and well... she's pretty scratched up :/ So I decided to take Coconut on a walk!

I didn't want to go through the dirt but... you know dogs.

Why is there a camera around? Eh, I guess I'm alright with it. :-)

Sweet girl 


Oh, found her, haha :-)

And then we went home and inside for dinner. Spaghetti tonight, yum! 

Well, thanks for reading this! Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

meet the fearless dolls.

Hi everyone, my name is Jess! Today you will get short, detailed descriptions on each of us! Don't worry, I don't think they'll bore you, we're actually quite exciting! :)

Meet Jess Akiko McConnell

I am the Girl of the Year 2006! I was Lexii's first doll! I'm originally from Michigan, but when I was 10 I moved to Belize! Soon enough, I came back, then moved to Lexii's, in California! I love adventure! I love to hike, kayak, camp, waterfall explore, etc.! I am very outgoing and I would rather be swimming and exploring than being inside a house on the computer. I can be girly, but most of the time, I'm just Jess.

Meet Samantha Parkington

Hi, I'm Samantha! I am a Historical character from 1904, New York! I am Lexii's second doll and I was retired from AG a few years ago, but I'm still living life like usual. I am more modern nowadays, but every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, I get in my old dresses for good ol' times sake :) I love having my picture taken. I am a very strong, sweet girl, and I fight for what's right. 

Meet Jordin {my last name}

Well hello there! I am Jordin. I am a JLY #24 and Lexii's third doll. I'm suppose to look like Lexii, but Lexii's hair is shorter and she doesn't have freckles. Oh, and I still need glasses because I can't see very well. About me? Hmm, let's see! Well, I LOVE to sing, dance, and act! I am very girly, and to be honest, I do indeed love myself. But what's not to love? I also love dresses and modeling.

Meet Gwen Thompson

Hi, I'm Gwen! I am the GOTY friend of 2009 and I am Lexii's fourth doll! I was a bully victim back then, but I've recovered with the help of my sisters. You can most likely find me in a kitchen or a library. I come on kind of shy, but once you get to know me I'm fun to be around! Sometimes I wish I had freckles, but I'm okay. Oh, and apparently I can't just ask people why they sparkle. 

Meet Lanie Holland

Hey, I'm Lanie! I am the Girl of the Year 2010 and Lexii's fifth doll! I am a science girl. I love being around nature and discovering more and more things everyday. A big project I once worked on was my Monarch Butterflies. Their so cute! My hair is super curly, but it's easy to manage! I have a bunny, Lulu, who is pictured in this as well. I one day want to make a change in this world. Go green! 

Meet Ruthie Smithens

Hi, I'm Ruthie! I am a Historical from 1934, and Lexii's sixth (and most recent), doll. I don't remember much of 1934. My memory was wiped a few years back, but I have this box of things from that time. Some days I just look at all the things I have in that box, I hold them and try to remember who I was. It's hard. But anyways, I am very curious, and my friends say I have a very sweet face. Purple is my favorite color! I try to be as nice as possible to everyone, and for that I would really like some couture. 

Well, that's all of us! I hope it didn't bore you, but I hoped you liked the pictures! If you can, comment? We'd love to hear your feedback from this. :) 

Talk to you soon!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

welcome to being fearless.

fearless is not the absence of fear. it's not being completely unafraid. to me, fearless is having fears. fearless is having doubts. lots of them. to me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. -taylor swift

Hi, my name is Lexii. This is my blog for my dolls. I had a different blog "Fearless Adventures: American Girl", but I want to start fresh. I have six gorgeous girls that I know you will learn to love as you read more about them. I'll be sure to include pictures and all that. But they will be the one's posting, not me ;) 

It's not just another American Girl Doll blog, 

it's fearless.
